Sunday, November 25, 2007

1934 East Anaheim

I just got back from driving in the rain and listening to some pretty damn good tunes. It was a well-needed early morning expedition; plus, it saved me the job of washing my car for a few months. It gave me the time to think about this week's news, and I think I'm content about it at last.

I had a dream last night that Nanna and I were walking together. She told me she loved us and was happy, because she was with Grandad again. I don't believe in all that mumbo-jumbo, and it was probably my mind working overtime, but I think Mum would like to know.

I've been practicing my guitar a lot. I can play a little Sublime now--Brad and Lou Dog would be proud.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey, puppy

Nick and I went through boxes of things for our apartment today: beer mugs and christmas decor galore. Hollywood, California better be welcoming of our fabulous taste in holiday wreaths, that's for sure. 1920s apartments built for actresses with a buzz entry system really do sound alright to me.

Kohl's opens for crazy ass shoppers at 4:00am, and that's why mum and I are leaving in 30 minutes in search of kitchen towels and sauce pans.