Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh, Dave...

While cleaning my room, I found my diary from freshman/sophomore year of high school...

10:15pm --------------------- March 30, '04

Well I met this guy a couple of months ago, and he asked me out to the mall on Valentine's day. I went, and now we're going out. His name is Dave, and he's SUPER nice. He's scared of lawn gnomes and has limp wrists. He's in my French class, and he said I had an English accent and asked if I liked the Beatles or Belle & Sebastian or The Coral or Starlight Mints and tons of others. I said I'd never really listened to them, and he said I needed "musical education" and he made me a CD. He told me his name was Nick... which was sort of weird, but he says now that he never did... w/e... Every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach and a lump in my throat. OMG. OMG. OMG. It's seriously just like the movies. He gave me my first ever kiss too!! I was totally dumb, because I totally freaked and stared at the TV for the rest of the night, but we hardly ever watch movies any more. Hehe.

3:30pm ---------------------- April 10, '04

Dave asked me to one of his shows at the Teen Center, so I am going today! Amanda's coming too. I'm excited but I was getting ready, and it took me FOREVERRRRRR to find something to wear. OMG. I'm nervous. I've been going out with him for 4 weeks and we've been seeing eachother for like 12!!!

9:25am ---------------------- April 12, '04

I don't know what I was worried about. I went, and met some of his friends. They were super nice. A lot of people knew who I was, which is funny since I've never seen them before. I guess Dave talks a lot about me. Hehe. Yesterday was our month anniversary, and he sent me an e-mail telling me that he wrote a song about me with all of our inside jokes and he thinks it's his best yet!!!! :)

7:30pm ---------------------- May 17, '04

Today was weird. I walked into school KNOWING Dave would break up with me. He never talked to me in French, even when I asked him to help me with my geometry homework and was really miserable. He walked me to art and I asked if something was wrong or I had done something. He said no, but then said, "Something's wrong and I think we should stop. It doesn't feel right anymore." I said OK and put on a brave face, and walked into class. Chelsea tells me that her and Brian went to the movies and are going out, and she's so happy, and I'm so sad, so I can't hold it in anymore! I just burst out into tears in the middle of class, and everyone was looking at me!!! Chelsea gave me a hug and cheered me up. I always thought it was SO STUPID when girls cry about their boyfriends breaking up with them in class, but I never realized how much it hurt. :( But then I got to geometry, and Dave's standing in the hallway waiting for me. He told me he made a mistake, and he'd been thinking about how much fun we had together. So, I said OK, and I don't know why, because he made me cry! He made me cry!!!! I hate how easy it is for people to push me over like that! But I'm still totally crazy about him, even though I shouldn't have done that.

2:10pm -------------------- June 5, '04

I got a letter from Dave on the first day of summer saying that he wants to break up with me. This is 10 days after he broke up with me and we got back together. He said we're too young to be in love... w/e... Well last night he sent me a text message that said I needed to call him, and he wants to talk to me. I don't know what he wants to talk to me about... maybe he wants to get back together with me!!!!!! I hope so! I called him, but no one answered, so I left a message. Hopefully he'll call really soon!

4:50pm -------------------- June 9, '04

Well I called Dave and he said that he loved me, no matter how old we were and that he wanted me back in his life!! I really do love him. I'm absolutely crazy about him, and I can't wait to see him again. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks!!! Only a couple more days until I can see him again! I can't wait!!

10:30pm ------------------ June 21, '04

Mum just laughed at me when I told her that me and Dave were back together! I can't believe her!! She says that he's not the type of boy to go out with if he changes his mind all the time. She doesn't get that we love each other! Now she says I should just hang out here with Auntie Win and Uncle Baz and then Kate, because they came to visit. I'm really scared to tell him that I can't see him, because I don't want him to think I don't like him anymore!

... And then we broke up via e-mail a month or two later, because I never plucked up the courage to call him and tell him that I had to hang out with my family. If I started a diary about my life now, would I get this much of a laugh out of it in four years time? I wonder if I'd make things out to be half as dramatic and life-altering.