Thursday, December 27, 2007

Insufferable presumption!

I woke up at 2:30 today, and I stayed in bed for hours afterwards in order to swoon over Colin Firth in "Pride & Prejudice." If my dad hadn't threatened to throw the television through the window, I suppose I would have stayed in bed a good deal longer to watch it over again. It's a good thing I did get up, because I was moved to put the Sublime poster that Nick gave to me for Christmas, and it looks mighty fine, even if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

She got my love, I get her drugs

With the exception of a minor eye infection, today was fun.

And Meghan can consider herself one step closer to being fully educated on sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Like a rock. Like a planet.

I have to work in seven hours--I have to wake up in five!! I have a final in algebra on Tuesday, and I feel extremely unprepared. Hopefully it won't be too busy at work, and I'll have the chance to study.

Tonight I went to Wal-Mart with Nick armed with a list of our "first apartment essentials", and we spent nearly two hours walking through the store and marking down the prices of each item. It seems like we're probably the most organized an 18-year-old couple has ever been moving into their first apartment together on the other side of the country! Eek. More than a three hour plane ride away from mum and dad? Hopefully the chance to catch a fleeting glance at david beckham every once in a while and the opportunity to learn life science from the one and only G^2 will make things tolerable... Otherwise, I have the feeling I may be screwed.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

OXO curry granules and chips

My mum came home from england today. She brought me a broach of my nanna's that I have always loved, along with some other jewelry, plates, and the tea set her dad promised to her when she was little. Auntie Win apparantly knits scarves now, and I have one wrapped around my neck right now. It smells like No. 26 Crossmay Street, and I love it.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

1934 East Anaheim

I just got back from driving in the rain and listening to some pretty damn good tunes. It was a well-needed early morning expedition; plus, it saved me the job of washing my car for a few months. It gave me the time to think about this week's news, and I think I'm content about it at last.

I had a dream last night that Nanna and I were walking together. She told me she loved us and was happy, because she was with Grandad again. I don't believe in all that mumbo-jumbo, and it was probably my mind working overtime, but I think Mum would like to know.

I've been practicing my guitar a lot. I can play a little Sublime now--Brad and Lou Dog would be proud.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey, puppy

Nick and I went through boxes of things for our apartment today: beer mugs and christmas decor galore. Hollywood, California better be welcoming of our fabulous taste in holiday wreaths, that's for sure. 1920s apartments built for actresses with a buzz entry system really do sound alright to me.

Kohl's opens for crazy ass shoppers at 4:00am, and that's why mum and I are leaving in 30 minutes in search of kitchen towels and sauce pans.