Monday, December 10, 2007

Like a rock. Like a planet.

I have to work in seven hours--I have to wake up in five!! I have a final in algebra on Tuesday, and I feel extremely unprepared. Hopefully it won't be too busy at work, and I'll have the chance to study.

Tonight I went to Wal-Mart with Nick armed with a list of our "first apartment essentials", and we spent nearly two hours walking through the store and marking down the prices of each item. It seems like we're probably the most organized an 18-year-old couple has ever been moving into their first apartment together on the other side of the country! Eek. More than a three hour plane ride away from mum and dad? Hopefully the chance to catch a fleeting glance at david beckham every once in a while and the opportunity to learn life science from the one and only G^2 will make things tolerable... Otherwise, I have the feeling I may be screwed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds super cool that you actually get to move together XD i think you guys are doing it right, w/ the whole making a list. it's always good to save money ^^

btw, i saw the link in