Tuesday, February 26, 2008

6.67 x 10^-11 m^3/s^2kg

Albert Einstein was obviously smoking crack when he came up with this curved space-time deflecting starlight in different directions crap. Seriously, how is this supposed to make any sort of sense:

Psh. Whatever, foo'.

I don't have literature class again tomorrow. I haven't read anything other than this general relativity rubbish in two weeks...

No more, "the total observed precession of mercury is 5600.73 seconds of arc per century, or about 1.5 degrees, when seen from earth, but when astronomers look at newton's description of gravity... blah blah blah." Give me a little bit of, "or whether doth my minde being crown'd with you drinke vp the monarks plague this flattery?" any day.

... please?

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